Spring Florals Can Brighten Up Your Wardrobe
Ever look in your closet and decide you need something brand new to brighten up your wardrobe? For years I gravitated to dark hues, especially while working in Manhattan. No matter how many pairs of black pumps I had, I always found a reason to grab another. It was true for that classic black dress, which was the staple.
Moving out to the West Coast was a bit of a surprise for me. My roots are in 'the city' and I am definitely an East Coast 'girl' only here I am among the desert flowers basking in the warm weather and it's not even May!
Needless to say, after gazing at the items in my closet for what seemed to be an infinite number of hours, I was torn about what to wear to a dinner that was in honor of volunteers for one of my favorite charities. I wanted to set a happy tone for so many reasons, and even though my classic black dress could have done the trick, I decided to opt for a pretty floral dress that I picked up at a local thrift store, which by the way happens to donate its profits to the charity.
Spring dresses, just like us, come in all shapes and sizes and it's important when choosing a dress that you opt for something that not only looks inviting on the hanger but also looks good on you. In fact, many times the best dresses for you might not look like much on the hanger, but as soon as you put them on, you know it's the right look for you.
Recently InStyle.com shared a great piece on "spring's Most Flattering Dresses for Every Shape" and it provides details about which dress is right for which body shape. If your body shape is athletic, lean or petite can make all the difference if the dress you fall in love with, is right for you.
I purchased my pretty floral dress at a women's clothing boutique that helps support a charity that aids victims of domestic violence. To be honest, had I seen this dress on a hanger somewhere else I might not have tried it on, but something about the buying something and knowing the purchase was going to help others, seemed to make the dress even more special. When I put the dress on, I felt pretty. Was it because of the floral print, or my knowing that the purchase I was making would help women in need. Who can say? All I know is that every time I look in my closet now, I see a pretty dress with a beautiful floral print and it’s become one of my favorite pieces for spring.
So far, I had paired my pretty dress with a cropped denim jacket and a pair of great Cowboy boots, I found here at Trendilize.com Last night, I decided on a pretty pastel pair of sandals. Both dress and sandals will likely make their way into my bags when I head back east this spring.
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